MaD in Schools - Making a Difference
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Secondary schools


MaD in Schools work together with local school chaplains to provide vibrant and relevant assemblies that compliment the school ethos and engage young people to consider life choices from a Christian perspective. We also participate in national assemblies; like the Holocaust Memorial Day and Remembrance Day.

RME Support

Together with the local chaplains we support the RME dept of a number of High schools. Helping with lesson planning, classroom input and resourcing through providing challenging individuals whose lives are sign posts for many young people. We can provide your school with visiting speakers who will challenge your pupils about the dangers of alcohol, drugs and weapon carrying. Contact us for more details.

Lunch Time Clubs

We also help run lunch time clubs for all pupils but especially for those who find it difficult to settle into school life. We cover subjects like values, making the right choices, being yourself and all taught from a Christian worldview. Our trick clubs are at lunch times and are for those interested in illusion and all things tricky! These seem to be popular with older boys in the school. These are just for fun and learning new tricks as well as building healthy friendships with the pupils.

Pupil Support

Both pupils and staff at times find life tough. We seek to support the whole school community through pastoral support. We also meet with the staff at in-service days and make ourselves available for pupil support at the schools invitation.

"...and on some have compassion, making a difference..."

Jude 22, NKJV

2025 MaD in Schools
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2025 MaD in Schools
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2025 MaD in Schools